
How To Get A Popcorn Kernel Out Of Your Throat

Many people have experienced the dreaded popcorn kernel in the throat. It's the last thing you want to happen during a movie or sporting event, but it does happen. The good news is that there are several ways to remove a popcorn kernel from your throat without much trouble.

If you don't know how to get a popcorn kernel out of your throat , then it will be a nightmare for you. This article will discuss these methods and hopefully help put an end to this problem for good! Let's start one by one.

How to Get a Popcorn Kernel Out of Your Throat

Getting know:  How to get a popcorn kernel out of your throat

In this section we will talk about 7 easy steps that are really working. So, let's have a look.

01: Put your finger in the back of your throat and try to grab the kernel

At first, you have to put  your finger in the back of your throat. Then, try to grab the kernel with it and then pull out slowly. This step is very important because  you will be able to get the kernel easily.

02: Drink milk or tea

Drink some milk or drink a cup of tea after you finished eating popcorn because it can soften the corn in your throat and allow you to cough up that one kernel without much problem. This step is very simple to do, so why not try  right?

03: Drink warm water

Drink a cup of warm water, it can help you to dilute the salty taste and make you feel better. Step 04: Gargle with salt water or baking soda solution

Gargling your throat with some salt or baking soda is also a good idea because it will soften up  the corn in your throat and make it easier for you to cough up.

04: Use a water bottle

You can also use a water bottle or any other object with a small mouth, connect the mouth of that object over your nose and then lean forward while taking deep breaths through the open end. This way, when you exhale into that container from time to time, all the air will bypass those kernels inside your throat but at least one kernel is still there.

If this doesn't work out well for you afterwards try using some kind of lubricant like petroleum jelly on top of those kernels before going down further because they might get stuck later on as things go by.

06: Go see doctor if necessary

If  everything else fails and you still can't get that stubborn piece of popcorn kernel out, go see your doctor as soon as possible.

07: Rinse with water

Rinse the inside of your mouth thoroughly with a glass or bottle of water after coughing up any remaining kernels so they don't stick to the walls down there. It is also recommended to rinse our nasal passages in case some has gone further than what we know and it's much easier for food particles to infect those areas if not cleaned properly.

Can popcorn irritate your throat?

It's possible for popcorn to irritate the throat. It is important to keep in mind that anything you eat can cause irritation if not chewed properly and swallowed correctly. But there are particular aspects of eating popcorn that make it more likely than other foods.

The oils from the kernels can get stuck on your teeth or tongue. They will eventually drip down into the esophagus lining where they come in contact with mucous membranes which causes pain. If this happens consistently over a long period of time. Then some people may develop a kind of hypersensitivity known as "popcornitis".

Which is the best medicine for my throat?

Saline solution, ice chips, and pain medicine are just a few of the options. For some people it may work well to lay back for awhile while others find relief in hot tea or honey. No one way will work best for everyone but there is always a first aid remedy that can help until you feel better.

The primary concern with popcorn isn't getting rid of an irritation; it's about prevention so nobody has any health issues down the road from eating too much popcorn!

How can I know if my throat is infected with bacteria?

It's generally safe to assume that a sore throat is viral if it lasts less than three weeks. If the pain persists for more than this amount of time, there may be another underlying cause such as bacterial in nature.

Typically symptoms present themselves differently depending on what type of infection you have, so check with your doctor or pharmacist if you're still unsure after consulting the above information and doing research online.

How do I know if my popcorn kernel went down into my lungs?

If you are unable to cough up the kernel yourself, call an ambulance immediately! The best way to tell is by checking whether or not your stomach has deflated slightly; when air enters our lungs we sometimes use muscles other then those used during coughing which can   result in a slightly deflated stomach.

How will I know if my kernel has lodged itself into my lungs?

If you are unable to cough up the kernel yourself, call an ambulance immediately! The best way to tell is by checking whether or not your stomach has deflated slightly; when air enters our lungs we sometimes use muscles other than those used during coughing which can result  in a deflated stomach.

If you are able to cough up the kernel, you will need to use your fingers or tongue and gently push it through the back of your throat until it falls out of your mouth into your hand. Your throat should not be sore after this process if there is no popcorn kernel inside!

Final thoughts

With so many kernels being swallowed each year without any problems occurring, most people have nothing to worry about . Before concluding the content, this two advice is for you:

– If you are unable to cough up the kernel yourself, call an ambulance immediately.

– The best way to tell is by checking whether or not your stomach has deflated slightly; when air enters our lungs we sometimes use muscles other then those used during coughing which can result in a deflated stomach.

So, guys, we are now at the end of the article. If you have any questions let me know via email or comment below the post.

How To Get A Popcorn Kernel Out Of Your Throat


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